consultants on duty

Proctles Advises

Proctles Develops Human Capitals

Proctles Develops Businesses

Proctles is Consulted

Proctles is Outsourced

Specialty Areas

Proctles Consulting flags expertise in these areas:

proctles consulting projects


Project Planning, Charter Writing & Documentation, Execution, Control & Feedback, Assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation. Skill Dev. & Properties.



Conflict Resolutions & Management, Mediation, Negotiation, Reconciliation between parties and Conflict Management Capacity Development.

Proctles Technology, proctles consulting technology


Website Development, Digital Marketing, Mobile App & Software Development, Accounting Information System Implementation & Training.

proctles leadership


Leadership Development, Supervisory Skills, Unions, Groups, Teamwork and Management Development, Change Leadership & Effectiveness Living.

proctles entrepreneurship


Entrepreneurship Mindsets Dev., Skill Acquisitions, SMEs development,  Startups & Management, Business Plan & Feasibility Writing & Assessment.

proctles strategy management


Strategy Plan, Administration, Strategy Implementation. Strategy Education, Merge & Acquisition, Abandonment, Turnaround & Maintenance Strategy.

Trusted Clients
Business Cases
Resources Persons
Local / Oversea Partners

About Our Team

They are better heard than advertised



...undertakes services from clients with assorted guarantee of delivery, effectiveness and performance.


...undertakes to procure/supply products or provide services on behalf of clients who authorize us to do so.


...advises clients on best performance measures to adopt for maximum effectiveness, productivity & efficiency.

Human Capital Dev't

...develops human capitals/capacities, trains workforce on relevant skills, competences and knowledges areas.

Are you a Management or Business Graduate?

Do you have flair for Training / Capacity Development, Consulting, Advisory, and Outsourcing? And will like to work with Proctles as staff, collaborator or partner? >>>> see >>>>

Let's Consult for you

We’re organization & genre re-inventors, transformers & change leaders.

Not only for all organizations, but for upward-moving individuals & groups.

Why Choose Proctles Consulting & her Services?

Clients that know us don’t leave us.  We worth gold to them – in Depth, Delivery, Content and Verseness. Try us at least because of:

Experienced Consultants & H/Capital Developers

Our team are different, not like others, unique, one-of-a-kind, revolutionary, yet deep and verse.

Best Case Strategies & Benchmarking

We deploy world-class benchmarked and local management and business cases in 'practicalizing' what we do.

With You - From Start to Finish

We are practicing professionals with academic pedigree, which is better than practicing without academic pedigree or academic pedigree without practices.


Vision Statement

To see a peaceable economically empowered society in atmosphere of responsible leadership and good governance in public and private sector.


Proctles Consulting

a charismatic visionary Professional Service Firm, PSF, houses the rest.

Proctles HCD

focuses on providing a range of manpower development and training.

Proctles MSME

develops startups, management skills, incubates, mentors, skills acquisition, etc.

Proctles Technology

crafts ICT policy, develop enterprise solutions and websites, supply accessories.

Why Proctles?

We’re different;

not like others,




yet deep and verse.

We reinvent organizations as organizational experts

We turnaround organizations as turnaround strategist

We develop organization as leadership developers.

Organizational and Leadership Development is in a constant flux in today’s complex and competitive marketplace.
Loyal, productive employees are vital to your organization's success.
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Information Technology Audit [ITA] Policy
Proctles Technology craft this ITA Policy, and conducts IT Audit. An IT Audit is an examination of the controls within an IT infrastructure.
Click Here
Proctles is uniquely qualified, exposed and experienced to address your Strategy & HR needs.
We're particularly successful in understanding & solving personnel and leadership problems in organizations
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People are our most valuable asset" is a cliche which no member of any senior management team would disagree with.
Yet, the reality for many organizations is that their people remain strange to the claim.
Click Here

Request a Free Consultation Or Talk

You can request for a Free Talk or Consultation. You mustn’t pay for everything in life/business.